Ladies will be judged in one round, Swimwear. The overall appearance and presentation will be viewed with the following criterion:

  • The overall image of the athlete is a toned, sculpted physique that bears firmness, non-evident body fat and a fitness style. This translates to an overall body quality with mild definition and not muscular separation. You’ll want to give the impression that you work out, did more than just diet to get here and can maintain this impression long after the curtain closes.

Throughout the competition, Judges will take into account the following:

  • Balance and symmetry: Upper torso is as developed as lower, side to side and back to front. Muscle groups are complete and in proportion. Not overly developed or defined.
  • Tone and Condition: Athleticism in its truest form is seen as a tight, toned and honed physique. We ask that you bring a totally fit look to the stage. This includes complexion, face, hair, smile, and beauty.
  • Poise and presentation: How you carry yourself, posture, gait, balance, graceful movement, positioning and stature, finesse…
  • Style and stage presence: Your own self expression, appeal, how you project yourself, image, camera savvy, stance, posing in creative and attractive ways. Your overall look is important and should include a sense of vibrancy, charisma, confidence, sex appeal, a positive and fun attitude, personality and individual style.